User Interface, Health System, & Currency System

Significantly updated the MVP for the tower defense game following ZeveonHD's YouTube tutorial, focusing on the user interface and health and currency system. First, I implemented a function that allows players to purchase towers by creating a script to define the player's starting money value and another to specify the cost of the tower. This required modifications to the tower placement script, ensuring that players can only place a tower if they have sufficient funds. Next, I began developing the user interface using Unity's UI system, creating a menu to showcase the Basic Tower, which includes its name and cost, along with a button that enables players to start placing towers by left-clicking. Additionally, I enhanced the overall appeal of the game by introducing a money bar that displays the player's current currency, updating whenever a tower is placed, as well as a health bar that reflects the player's starting and decreasing health. Currently, there is no mechanism for earning money or losing health, but the health bar does work with the player health script. With these additions, I believe this now represent the Minimum Viable Product for the tower defense game, getting ready for further enhancements and gameplay features.

Get Realm Defense (Title WIP)

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