Main & Pause Menu

I created both a main menu and a pause menu for the  game by adapting a script from a previous project to better fit the specific features of this game. The main menu was placed in a separate scene, where I applied the appropriate script to the buttons in the Inspector. This setup allows the game to switch to the game scene when "Play" button is clicked, and exit the game when the "Quit" button is pressed. For the pause menu, I created it within the game scene itself and initially hid it in the Hierarchy, I then linked the correct script to the "On Click" section in the Inspector. Now, when the player presses the "Esc" key during gameplay, the pause menu is displayed, offering options to either resume the game or quit and return to the main menu.

Files 33 MB
Oct 08, 2024

Get Realm Defense (Title WIP)

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